Acne Facts: More Than Skin Deep

Acne is one of the most common skin diseases that up to 80% of the population in their youth, adults in their 40s and pregnant women. It is generally aggravated by oily skin, but no skin type is immune. Excess oil and dirt clogging the pores and blackheads produces or develops into cystic acne is inflamed or infected. These cysts may rupture and cause scars. 

The effects of stains - mild or extreme - may broader than many people believe. From first impressions, personal psychological problems that your skin. 'Health, acne is a major challenge for many Fortunately, there are a wealth of information available on the subject, and many options for treatments. If you understand what causes acne and how to renew your skin, you're on your way to accomplishing your specific skin problems.

Many things can cause acne:Some of the most common causes include genetics, your body. The hormonal balance, changes in hormone levels, skin irritation, stress, hyperactive sebaceous glands, accumulation of dead cells on the skin's surface, bacteria in the pores, taking certain medications and exposure to chemicals Most forms of acne are treatable.Acne Treatments:There are many over-the-counter (OTC) acne cleansers, creams, lotions, gels and solutions. Some are designed to address existing blemishes, some to prevent them and others to do both. There are systems. Several products developed together as part of treatment, and there are acne zappers or single purpose products to combine certain impurities targeted 

The most popular acne treatments are designed to reduce the abnormal clumps of cells in the follicles, help manage the increased control of oil production, and fight bacteria and help reduce and alleviate inflammation. Not all treatments are effective, however. The ingredients they contain, and the concentrations in which they are formulated critical to the effectiveness of a particular product. Some of the key ingredients effective acne treatments include:Benzoyl peroxide -This product destroys P. acnes bacteria while reducing oil production. It is a powerful oxidizing agent and works well against bacteria. 

 But, as your skin helps control oil production, it can lead to dryness, so when deciding on acne treatments that contain this ingredient, make sure they also contain non-comedogenic moisturizer to counteract the dryness.Resorcinol -Blackheads breaking clogged pores. Salicylic acid - works as resorcinol, but also helps the cells shed from the hair follicle.Triclosan - Its anti-bacterial properties to control levels of P. acnes. Sulfur - Exfoliates to promote normal skin cell renewal while preventing clumping

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