Over-The-Counter Acne Fighters - Some Must Know Facts

The first approach is the most acne patients for over-the-counter products that seek to mitigate the effects of acne. Of course there are products that work well. But have you ever thought about? The active ingredients in these products Whatever you choose, be it cleaning agents, detergents, gels, creams or lotions, it is in your best interest to learn how they work. 

Now, to the point, which are common ingredients found in these products, benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. What do they do? What you should be careful? Let us discuss them in detail!As we all know, acne surfaces when the skin pores are clogged with accumulation of excess sebum. In other words, oily skin prevents proper flow of sebum, which traps dust and bacteria, to papules and pustules that. Therefore does each topical application by destruction of the bacteria, or peeling of the outer skin layer in order to exclude dead cells. Naturally they can more other properties such as anti-inflammatory and absorbent properties. Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid preparations are prescribed by doctors depending on individual skin type. Commercial products contain safe levels of these chemicals, making them good fighters pimples.

Let's see how this acne fighter work. Benzoyl peroxide is basically an antiseptic that fights the acne bacteria. In addition, interfering with its anti-inflammatory and oxidizing properties the formation of blackheads, whiteheads and blackheads that. Salicylic acid works by unclogging the pores by exfoliating as. Did you know that you use salicylic acid for the treatment site, delete blackheads? That is, you can just dab a preparation 0.5 to 2 percent salicylic acid to the affected area. 

 Note that the concentration of the two products depends on your skin type. If you have sensitive skin, stay away from harsh chemicals and fragrances. Since your skin may reflect negatively! Watch out for any stinging or irritation while using the product. In the event of such an effect, it is advisable to consult a doctor or dermatologist. Look for products with moisturizers to maintain the hydration in your skin.What other chemicals used in topical acne products? Sulfacetamide is another agent that works by examining the growth of bacteria. Alcohol and acetone work by reducing oil secretion and bacterial deposits.  

It is important to adhere to a product. For example, if you already have a salicylic acid-based cleanser, benzoyl peroxide does not contain without your doctor's advice.Since several factors contribute, such as heredity, skin type and diet to acne formation, a topical treatment can not be enough. You need to address the problem internally as well. Drink plenty of water and keep a balanced diet. Address deficiencies with acne vitamins or supplements. To get rid of acne naturally, you must be your skin to be able to efficiently metabolize oil. Clearade acne treatment helps to eliminate the oil metabolizing ability of your skin through the use of vitamin B5. A conscientious skin care is important to fight acne, but the treatment of other causes will set off a natural acne treatment. In fact, it will help you. A disciplined approach and reap other health benefits

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