Quote of the month:"Your body is the baggage you must carry through life., The more the baggage, the shorter the trip." - Arnold H. Glasgowcould not resist this either ...
"If diets worked, there would be only one!" - MeAccording to Dr. John Mansfield, a pioneer in the field of allergy and food, "the most common single cause of weight gain by far" are food sensitivities, rather than too many calories or lack of exercise.Let's find out by asking yourself why the following 6 questions:
"If diets worked, there would be only one!" - MeAccording to Dr. John Mansfield, a pioneer in the field of allergy and food, "the most common single cause of weight gain by far" are food sensitivities, rather than too many calories or lack of exercise.Let's find out by asking yourself why the following 6 questions:
A. Have you ever had the desire? Are you craving something sweet after a meal? For
example, if the level of sugar in the blood decreases after eating,
you can come up with an allergic reaction to one of the items in your
2 Are there foods that you eat often - more than three times a week? The foods we eat are usually often those that we are allergic!
Third You will feel better after eating certain foods or do some of your symptoms disappear after eating?
4 Do you find yourself to stop eating (like an insatiable hunger)?
5th You have withdrawal symptoms when you do not eat or drink anything? Coffee is always a great example, again more than 15 years, I have coffee every day at work. At the weekend I had none. Every Sunday, I had a severe headache. I finally made the connection! In this example, the solution is not to keep drinking coffee!
6 Do
you suffer from any of the following: gas, bloating, fatigue, acne,
mood swings, inability to concentrate, joint pain, fluid retention,
diarrhea, cramps, inflammation (can be hidden), headache, nasal sinuses,
constipation (one bowel movement or less daily )?
If you answered yes to any of the above, then food sensitivities are definitely a factor. The next step is whether you are ready, willing and have to do something about the situation in hand?
Here are 4 ways you can do to start:A. Find out which foods you are sensitive.2 Avoid these foods for 30 days. When you eliminate from your diet the foods you are allergic to, you could £ 10 or more, without any other changes in your diet to lose!Third Heal your good! A good way to start is by making good probiotics - not much, but billions every day, you can not overdose. There are other things you can do to speed things up as best can ...4 Slowly reintroducing food and pay attention to changes in themselves over a period of four days - it could be a little more subtle!
Did you know the following 5 things?A. The top allergens are wheat, corn, soy and milk - and guess what ... it is what we eat the most!2 According to Dr. Oz and Dr. Mark Hyman, you can gain up to 30 pounds per year due to an unknown dairy allergyThird Your body will often save what she is allergic to your cell4 Your heart rate to 10-15 minutes after eating something you raise sensitive to5th 95% of the food that we are allergic "delayed onset '- these symptoms can happen up to 3 days after exposure, many doctors and people are not aware
With about 7 years ago I was a boy who came to Canada. I was so excited, arriving in a new country, that it was hard to contain my excitement. Everything was going well, then at the age of 13 came my first cold, then my first full blown sneeze, again and again. But when my wife keep this allergy relief technique I am on to it locked and it has changed my life. I no longer hide in the months of May and June, but I enjoy the fresh air outside.