Breast Health 101: mammary oil cysts, occurrence and how to deal with this

After a few months, agitated with some growing lump you palpated on your breasts, you are finally through with him. Well, you have to skip months only your breast surgery done, but a few weeks had just passed and now you're feeling all new again with these lumps on your breasts grow worried. "As these cysts are formed and why I'm growing again with new lumps on my breasts? Are these formations indicate cancer?" --- We look cysts in the idea of ​​oil. We get to know them before we end up with a hysterical breast cancer diagnosis first. 

Subject to the tissues of the breast often experience injuries or surgical procedures, such as remodeling or mass removal oil cysts tend to appear and feel. These are lumps of liquid that can be felt around the areas of breast stuffed and feel smooth and squishy, ​​and sometimes painful, especially when they are often depressed in areas with clothing or limbs, or if their size extends to much skin.

Oil cysts are harmless to the fact that they are benign growths. As the breast tissue undergoes physical stress through injury or surgery, fat tissue can die while they are trying to form scars. Such occurrence is called fat necrosis. Fat necrosis usually takes women who have very large breasts. Some fat cells instead of forming scar tissue to die and leave their lipid content, which then form an oily liquid collection. The death of fat cells either lead to the formation of a hard grain, since the body undergoes repaired by replacing damaged tissue with such a material, or a pool of molten fat, finally collecting in a region of the breast tissue. The derivation of the fat component draws calcium around and the process of calcification occurs, giving it an "eggshell calcium." 

Confirmation or diagnosis of such condition can be carried out by tests. Mammography and ultrasound (UTZ) are two ways to validate the incidence of oil cysts. Oil cysts have a clear structure in general. These cysts appear round or oval well-defined and have an "eggshell calcification". 

How can I deal with the problem? No more worries. Oil cysts are benign lumps, which means they do not grow and cause you cancer. You may have the option of leaving the growth alone as such type of cyst can only shrink on its own, or you can fall back on a breast cyst aspiration procedure, if the cyst is causing you physical pain and discomfort already. A process on the breast cyst aspiration can be carried out by the physician, the introduction of a needle for material to extract the fluid from the structure. 

Oil cysts are safe and cause no damage, unless they are too large, or is areas near limbs. You have the option to leave them alone or planning for an aspiration method. There is no need to be anxious and all know just hysterical about the condition and remain calm and deal with the "oily" problem in the best way that you can. ......

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