Useful Tips for How to Stop Pulling Out Your Eyelashes

If you seem to be pulling out your eyelashes forever then you know the problem. It is almost an unconscious habit, other people around you and sucks you potentially leaves looking much less attractive than you should. Here are some ideas to help you pull out your eyelashes. 

1 Lubricate There are certain lubricants available at your local pharmacy or online stores like Amazon in that you can use on your eyelashes. 

While this is not necessarily completely stop, it will certainly make the process of pulling out your eyelashes much more difficult. Which gives you time to notice that your habit has been triggered and thus a chance to stop by the recovery even more lashes. 

2 Find out your triggers Something, somewhere, will cause you to pull your eyelashes. Take a step back - perhaps with the help of a friend - to find out what these triggers are. Once you recognize what brings you have to get off your eyelashes, you can work on it. 

Maybe you can reduce the number of times the trigger happens. This is a good solution if you can. Otherwise, you can use it as a kind of early warning system, and put other things in place, so more often than not, you can catch yourself before you break even more lashes. 

3 Keep your hands busy By definition, if you are pulling out your eyelashes, you have your hands have nothing better to do. If this happens when you are bored, maybe sit on your hands to work. It will surely give you an extra fraction of a second in order to stop you in your tracks. 

But whatever situations arise that my hands are not as busy as they should be, work a few ways to deal with them. 
Ideally, in a manner not to be in order to close the head. 

4 De-stress yourself Habits like this are often a sign that you are under too much stress. To find ways to reduce the stress in your life. This could be as simple as a walk in the park and back again. Or it could be something more structured like listening to music that encourages you to relax or learn how to meditate to reduce stress in your life. 

Find what works best for you and do not be afraid to experiment with different ways to reduce your stress until you find one that you find the greatest benefit. 

5 Consider Hypnosis Pull your lashes is something that you almost certainly do only on a subconscious level. By the time your consciousness finds out what happened, there is another clump of hair that have separated with your body. 

Hypnosis - either downloaded from a session with a local hypnotist or listening to a hypnosis track - can be a quick method to getting rid of this annoying habit....

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