Acupuncture helps naturally treat PCOS

Acupuncture for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome 1 in 10 women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is thus the most common diagnoses female reproductive system disorder are diagnosed recorded. Symptoms often appear as irregular menstruation, as absent periods rule can occur secondary amenorrhea, more or less frequent cycles and irregular series of very light to very heavy menstruation, the development of male sexual characteristics including decreased breast size, deepening of the voice, enlargement the clitoris, increased body hair, thinning of hair on the head. Finally, lesions are often reported as worsening of acne, dark, thick skin markings and creases around the armpits, groin, neck, and breasts due to insulin sensitivity. 

PCOS is a disease brought on by an imbalance of hormones. Women have two primary hormones estrogen and progesterone, the major players in the menstrual cycle are. Women have male hormones called androgens. PCOS is a result of too much androgen in their system. This imbalance becomes chronic in women in their 20s and 30s in the rows above symptoms. If not treated, infertility is a possibility.

Acupuncture and Chinese herbs can help PCOS by a drug-free holistic perspective that brings balance to the hormones targets. A licensed acupuncturists views PCOS either a deficiency of kidney yin, yang, or both. The first and probably the most common condition seen by practitioners is the lack of kidney yang. This leads to failure of the transformation of dampness and phlegm. Symptoms of Kidney Yang deficiency in include excess mucus and moisture leading to the formation of cysts. Other common symptoms include liver qi and blood stasis. Kidney Yin deficiency is less common and is the result of a chronic qi and blood stasis, leading to failure of the transformation of dampness and phlegm, resulting in the formation of cysts. 

A common Chinese herbs used by practitioners to treat the most common case of PCOS, kidney yang deficiency, gui zhi fu ling wan. Gui Zhi Fu Ling wan translated into cinnamon twig and poria pill. This formula combines gui zhi fu ling, Shao Yao, mu dan pi and tao ren. Gui Zhi warms up, unlock ships, promote blood circulation, and reducing blood stasis. Fu Ling promotes lower blood circulation, nourishes the heart and spleen and transform phlegm into heat. 

Shao Yao, depending on which species is reduced abdominal pain, cramps, relax and promote blood circulation. Finally, mu dan pi and tao ren cools and invigorates the blood, break stasis and reduce the accumulated ovarian cysts. Each case of PCOS will appear differently. It is important to seek professional advice and services from certified Chinese herbalist. ...

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