Physiotherapy and stress incontinence

Stress incontinence means involuntary and uncontrolled dribbling of urine when a person coughs, sneezes, or laughs out loud (or performs any activity that intra-abdominal pressure and ultimately increases the pressure within the bladder).

Under normal conditions, the bladder can hold urine for a long time until the conditions the person bladder sphincters are allow to urine flow cheap and relaxed voluntary, but certain conditions, the stability of the pelvic floor muscles that affect the primary position within bladder affect the pelvic cavity (ultimately impact on the patency of the sphincter).

Any condition that can affect the stability or strength of the pelvic floor muscles can result in stress incontinence. Violation of the pelvic muscles reduces the thickness of the bladder sphincter to maintain their consistency in states with high pressure in the abdomen. This is 5 times more common in women compared to men.

Pregnancy and vaginal delivery are the most common risk factors associated with this topic, especially multiple vaginal deliveries or a history of prolonged labor can seriously weaken or damage to pelvic floor muscles, which will soon or can take years after delivery, to considerable stress develop cause incontinence.

Other risk factors include the risk of stress incontinence increases occupations are associated with lifting heavy weights as carrier, repeated chronic cough untreated, obesity, straining during urination or defecation (eg, prostate, years of constipation or history of urinary stones) and menopause.

Stress incontinence is a common problem encountered mainly in middle-aged to elderly women who are not ideal candidates for surgery because of possible postoperative complications or associated comorbidities. Research data show that nearly 20% of all women over age 40 have some degree of this topic. This can be a rather embarrassing condition for most women and is generally under-reported.

Physiotherapy can manage stress incontinence and is perhaps the most valuable help. Physiotherapy exercises helps to strengthen pelvic floor muscles causing stress incontinence and urinary accidents. If left untreated, stress incontinence can be repeated urinary tract infections, obstructs the social life, depression, mood issues, lead insulation by embarrassing accidents and the risk of incident bladder or the uterus.

CM Castleden a study of 19 patients who reported moderate to significant stress incontinence. After only a short time of regular physical therapy for 4 weeks, 14 of 19 patients reported complete resolution of symptoms. Stress test on this patient study showed no signs of dribbling or incontinence.Klarskov a comparative study of 50 women suffer from severe stress incontinence. The women were divided into two groups according to their preference for surgery or physiotherapy based enrolled. Surgery was performed on the basis of the primary nature of the pathology, while 5 physiotherapy sessions / week recommended to the other group. The results suggest that almost 42% of women who underwent physical therapy reported significant improvement in symptoms and refused for other forms of therapy.

There are a number of options that are reserved introduced physiotherapy for patients with this disease, a few include the use of bio-feedback mechanisms and electrical stimulation therapy for pelvic floor muscles to contractility, strength and stability to withstand an increased abdominal pressure, improve Basin Floor exercises that support the pelvis fascia and better tissue to the bladder and rectum against intra-abdominal pressure and bladder retraining program, which may also require some lifestyle changes in order to strengthen offer to improve the quality of the results.

Physiotherapy exercises have long-term benefits in the management and treatment of stress incontinence and surgical options are considered superior because of weak pelvic floor muscles is the primary pathology that leads to stress incontinence. When an operation is attempted, the symptoms can appear after a short pause again. Weak pelvic floor is an established risk factor for prolapse of the uterus, rectum and / or bladder.

Physiotherapy also helps in correcting the symptoms of urge incontinence and fecal incontinence. Physical therapy is a cost-effective, simple and safe method, the women to their overall health can improve without the pain of surgery.

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