Bacterial vaginosis is a condition that occurs vagina caused by the overgrowth of certain bacteria in a women. This bacterial infection is common in women of childbearing age. Sometimes the infection can also be accompanied by discharge, itching, and burning or pain. Although
bacterial vaginosis does not provide any direct lethal effects, the
infection have some disturbing symptoms and, as a result, it is
important to know the causes of bacterial vaginosis to prevent
A woman's vagina usually consists of a number of bacteria. If the harmful bacteria in the number Excel bacterial vaginosis can occur. There are a number of reasons for this harmful infection. With multiple sexual partners, in particular, is one of the most common causes of this infection. Women who have sex with multiple partners lead every now and then are more likely to suffer from the devastating effects of this vaginal infection. In addition, women who change sexual partners have also found that coming under the risks of bacterial vaginosis. It is therefore advisable to keep a single sexual partner, in order to avoid suffering from the pain and discomfort that this infection offers.
A woman's vagina usually consists of a number of bacteria. If the harmful bacteria in the number Excel bacterial vaginosis can occur. There are a number of reasons for this harmful infection. With multiple sexual partners, in particular, is one of the most common causes of this infection. Women who have sex with multiple partners lead every now and then are more likely to suffer from the devastating effects of this vaginal infection. In addition, women who change sexual partners have also found that coming under the risks of bacterial vaginosis. It is therefore advisable to keep a single sexual partner, in order to avoid suffering from the pain and discomfort that this infection offers.
Not discriminate against bacterial vaginosis. Every woman can suffer from this disease, if proper care is not taken. One of the main causes of bv remains rinses. Women to make the use of water or a medicated solution to clean the vagina with a greater risk of infection. Antiseptic liquids when used for bathing can also cause harmful bacteria to grow inside of a vagina.
Many women have also been known from the ravages of bacterial vaginosis after excessive use of bubble baths and scented soaps suffer. It is recommended to avoid cleansing your body with these products during pregnancy to prevent your body from the damaging effects of bacteria.
Detergents and deodorants are also known to cause bacterial vaginosis. With vaginal deodorants regularly to increase the number of harmful bacteria in the vagina and enhance your chances of suffering from the infection. In addition, women who wash their underwear with strong cleaning agents are also at higher risk.
Second, it is not preferable to use any intrauterine devices that fit into the uterus during pregnancy. These products are mostly made of plastic and copper and can easily lead to this bacterial infection. Smoking is another important reason for this vaginal infection. Cigarettes are packed with countless unhealthy substances that, when inhaled, can have a devastating effect on your health. In pregnant women, especially cigarette smoking is known to be one of the main causes of bv.
Bacterial vaginosis can affect a greater disease than expected if they have untreated. If you have a constant discharge or feel a burning pain in the vagina during pregnancy, it is strongly recommended to visit your doctor immediately. By understanding all of the causes of bacterial vaginosis can prevent any woman to go through the unpleasant and painful experience this vaginal infection. ......