Cystic Acne is one of the types of acne but in serious form which is characterized by deep and inflamed breakouts. These blemishes that follow will be large inflammatory and can be measured up to a certain of centimeter. Cystic acne causes very soft red lumps of cysts which are formed under the surface of the skin by bringing out more pain. These cysts that are filled with fluids contain dead cells, bacteria and white blood cells. These cystic acne generally appears on face, back, chest, etc. there is no special age for this acne cyst to occur but it is most commonly found in teenage rather than other people. Sometimes, it will go away by itself.
Overactive oil glands, hereditary factors, excess dead cells in your skin pores, squeezing and picking of the blemishes, stress, hormonal changes, etc. are some of the causes for these acne cysts. Before going to know about various remedies for cystic acne, get an idea about main DIY home remedies for acne treatment.
Home Remedies for Cystic Acne:
If you’re searching for best natural homemade remedies to treat cystic acne then follow these home remedies which are simple and easy made but very effective.
1 Baking Soda
Baking soda contains antiseptic and anti inflammatory properties which helps to heal the cystic acne. It also balances your pH level and makes your skin healthy and glow by absorbing the excess oil and exfoliate the skin.
Process – 1:
- Take 1 – 2 tablespoons of baking soda and make it like a thin paste by adding sufficient water to it.
- Mix it well and apply this as a mask on the cystic affected areas of the skin.
- Allow it to stay on for 15 – 20 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.
- Finally apply any moisturizer or skin toner and follow up the same process regularly for 1- 2 times a week.
Process – 2:
- Take a small amount of baking soda and sea salt
- Mix it with water to make it like a paste.
- Apply this paste on the cystic acne affected part of the skin
- Allow it to stay for few minutes and wash it off with water.
- Repeat the process for once or twice a day to treat the inflamed cystic acne.
2 Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV):
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) stabilizes the natural pH levels of the skin to clear the cystic acne. It helps to prevent its further formations in future.
- Take few drops of apple cider vinegar and cotton q-tip or cotton ball.
- Add few drops of ACV to q – tip and apply this to affected area
- Let it like that for few hours or overnight.
- Wash it off with water.
- Repeat the process of applying ACV as a toner for few weeks to relieve the cystic acne soon.
3 Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil has natural antibacterial properties that help to treat the cystic acne naturally. It penetrates into the skin to unblock the sebaceous glands, disinfect pores and dry out the blemishes.
Process – 1:
- Take a cotton swab and pour few tea tree oil drops in it.
- Dab the oil gently onto the affected area
- Let it be on for few hours or overnight
- Wash it off in the next morning with lukewarm water which reduces the swelling and redness.
Process – 2:
- Take a tablespoon of tea tree oil and add 9 tablespoons of water.
- Stir it well to make a fine solution.
- Apply this over the affected area and leave it for few minutes
- Rinse it with normal water to reduce the cystic acne blemishes.
- Or you can simply add few drops of tea tree oil in moisturizer, facial mask, aloe vera gel, tea tree oil containing products, etc and apply it on your affected skin to get relief from the problem.
4 Egg White
Egg white contains proteins and riboflavin which helps in clearing the acne cysts and makes your skin smooth and soft. It is helpful for overall health of your skin.
- Take 2 – 3 eggs and separate the white from the yellow
- Apply this on the affected skin pores and leave it for about 5 – 8 minutes
- Rinse it off with lukewarm water and repeat it regularly to reduce the acne cysts.
5 Coconut Oil
Coconut oil acts as a good hydrating agent and also contains anti-bacterial properties which help to treat the cystic acne.
- Take few drops of unrefined coconut oil and apply it on your cystic acne affected part of the skin either with your finger or cotton swab.
- Remember that it has to be spread all over the affected area.
- Leave it like or for overnight (if applied at night time before going to bed)
- Follow this process regularly to get clear skin from the cystic acne.
6 Clay Mask:
Clay is one of the best natural skin mask which acts as exfoliate agent. It removes the excess oil by eliminating all the dead skin cells and cleans your skin to prevent the cystic acne. It speed up the healing process and also lessen the chance of forming scars.
- Take any natural clay like fuller’s earth
- Mix it well by adding enough amount of water and make it like a paste
- Apply this paste on the cystic acne affected part of the skin
- Leave it until it gets dried and wash it off with water
- Weekly once or twice you have to follow this process to get heal from the cystic acne.
7 Aloe Vera
Aloe vera has great healing properties. It has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties which help to heal the cystic acne.
- Take a fresh aloe vera leaf and squeeze it to extract the gel from it.
- If don’t have aloe vera leaf then you can use aloe vera juice which is available at market.
- Gently rub this aloe vera gel on your cysts and leave it for few minutes.
- Wash it off with water and continue doing this once in two days to clear the cystic acne.
8 Honey Mask
Honey is a natural antiseptic, antibacterial and exfoliate agent that helps to clear the skin from cystic acne. It reduces the inflammation and redness, removes the dead skin cells by killing the bacteria and finally makes your skin fresh, smooth and soft.
- Take 1 – 2 tablespoon of honey
- Apply it on the affected part of the skin and allow it to stay for about 10 – 15 minutes.
- Rinse it with warm water to get relief from the cystic acne and its symptoms.
- Repeat this process regularly for better results.
9 Aspirin Mask
Aspirin acts as great exfoliant in treating the cystic acne. Many people believe that aspirin is very effective in curing the acne and its types.
Process – 1:
- Take few aspirin pills and put it in a small bowl.
- Crush the pills to powder form and add some water in it to make it like a thin paste.
- Apply this on your acne affected area and leave it for 15 minutes.
- Finally wash it away with lukewarm water and repeat the process regularly.
Process – 2:
- Take few aspirin pills and crush them to make it powder.
- Add sufficient amount of honey to make it fine paste.
- Apply this paste and leave it for few minutes until it gets dry
- Rinse it with lukewarm water and follow it regularly to get relief from the cystic acne and also to get moisturizing affect on the skin.
10 Mango
Mangoes help to open the clogged up pored that causes cystic acne. It makes your skin soft and glow naturally. Orange or yellow – orange fruits and vegetables will replenish the skin.
- Take a ripe mango, orange or yellow-orange fruits and extract its juice
- Add a little amount of water into and mix it well.
- Apply this to your face or affected part of the skin
- Leave it for few minutes and rinse it with water.
- Follow up this process to get cure from the cystic acne.
11 Lemon Juice
Lemon has natural astringent and antibacterial properties. It acts as an exfoliant that helps to remove dead skin cells faster and prevent clogged pores to give relief from cystic acne.
Process – 1:
- Wash your face with mild soap and lukewarm water.
- Take a fresh lemon and cut into half
- Squeeze the half lemon to extract its juice into a bowl
- Then take a cotton ball and dip it in the juice
- Apply it directly on the cystic acne affected area of the skin and make sure to dip the ball and apply it completely.
- Allow the juice to sit for 10 minutes or until it dries completely.
- Wash the applied area with cool water and pat dry with towel
- Continue applying lemon juice on affected part for twice a day to eliminate the cystic acne.
Process – 2: (for Sensitive Skin people)
- Wash your skin with mild soap and water and pat dry with clean towel.
- Take equal parts of lemon juice and rosewater (natural antibacterial agent) in a bowl.
- Or simply use water which reduces the acidic nature of lemon juice.
- Take a cotton ball and dip it in the liquid and apply it on the cystic acne affected area
- Let it be on your skin your 15 – 30 minutes and rinse it off with cool water.
- Dry your skin with towel and repeat the same process for twice a day to clear your skin from cystic acne.
12 Steaming
Steaming will deep clean and open up the pores and helps to remove the dirt and grime underneath the skin’s surface.
- Take a bowl of hot water and a clean towel
- Drape a towel over your head and put your face over the bowl (near to it but inside it)
- Do the process for at least 10 minutes and continue this for thrice a week to have clear skin i.e. free from cystic acne.
13 Potatoes
Potato juice helps to decompose the oil in the skin pores to reduce the cystic acne. It has the essential vitamins that help to reduce the redness and inflammation the skin.
- Take a small and clean potato and peel it off.
- Extract its juice with the help of blender
- Apply this juice on the affected part and leave it for 15 minutes
- Wash it off with normal water and repeat it to get better results.
14 Toothpaste
As we all know that how toothpaste works for acne, pimples, etc. like this it also works in preventing cystic acne. Toothpaste contains alcohol and fluoride which dries up the affected acne pores and also kills the bacteria in it.
- Take clinically approved toothpaste
- Apply this on the affected area and leave it for about 10 – 15 minutes.
- The paste will penetrates into the skin and dries out the lumps and clears away the bacteria
- Finally wash it off with water to treat the problem.
15 Diet Plan
Planning your diet is the main base to reduce or prevent any problem.
1. Drink plenty of water of at least 15 glasses to flush out the dangerous toxins from your body.
2. Include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables particularly green leafy vegetables in your diet to get the essential vitamins and nutrients that helps to keep your body and skin healthy.
3. Always avoid the oily, fatty foods, spicy food which increases the fat and oily content in your skin and makes the cystic acne too worse.
4. Reduce the in taking amount of sugar and other processed food as it disrupt the hormones and also have a direct effect on skin tissues, cells and make it not to heal faster.
5. Always eat a low-glycemic diet which contains whole grains, beans, veggies, etc. which your body takes longer time to absorb but it is very healthier.
6. Reduce or if possible avoid the dairy products as it will also increases the cystic acne especially milk, cheese, etc. but you can take probiotics like yogurt and buttermilk.
7. Intake the essential vitamins especially vitamin A and E and other essential nutrients to helps to clear the cystic acne and keeps your body smooth and glow.
Tips to Reduce the Cystic Acne:
Follow these tips to make your skin cystic acne free and glowing.
1. Stay away from the stress by following meditations, yoga, deep breathing exercises and other related exercises which keep you stress free.
2. Always resist the temptation to squeeze the acne cyst as it not only increases the chance of becoming deeper infection but also left scars when cystic acne get cured.
3. Avoid excessive sweating and clean your face and other acne affected parts of the body after doing exercise or any other activity to clean the sweat. Sweat will cause pores to be clogged and more susceptible to cystic acne.
4. Take sufficient sleep of at least 7 – 8 hours to have a healthy and glowing skin.
5. Decrease friction as it also irritates your skin and increases the problem of cystic acne.
6. Daily wash your face once or twice with warm water and a mild cleanser to remove the oil and dirt that causes cystic acne worse. But make sure to avoid drying out the skin which causes irritation so apply moisturizer after every wash.
7. Avoid using oily and greasy cosmetic products which increases to cystic acne.
8. It’s best to remove the makeup before going to bed. Just wash it off before going to bed as it reduces the risk of clogged pores.
9. Turmeric, ginger and boswellia are three natural herbs that contain anti-inflammatory properties which help to heal the cystic acne. So, take these three herbs in your known forms to get rid of the problem.
10. Avoid drinking and smoking habits as this will make the cystic acne worse and reduces the change of curing the acne.
Cystic acne is one of the most severe forms of acne as this is the actual infection of sebaceous gland. These natural homemade remedies and tips are very effective in treating the cystic acne but in case, you won’t find any expected result then immediately consult dermatologist to get relief from this problem.