The causes of acne in adolescence

Puberty can. A dramatic change in one's life usually aged 13-24, which brings out many changes in the body Early adolescence has mood swings, physical development, an increase in sexual activity, etc. One major change has been attributed during puberty the appearance of acne on the face, back, chest and other parts of the body. Although the exact cause of acne is unknown, there are several factors that have been attributed to cause acne breakouts.  

I decided to call some of these factors, as some of them may change as your lifestyle be undone. Causes such as a poor diet or internal stresses requires nothing more than a slight change in lifestyle can reduce the severity of your acne.Let us start with the discussion going on some other reasons, ...

Hormonal changesChanges in a person's internal chemistry is attributed to acne during adolescence. Although not fully understood, researchers believe that the increased production of androgens from the adrenal gland, which causes the initial acne during puberty. Once you have an increased flow in androgen hormones through the body, this leads to grow your follicles and glands release sebum that clogs the hair follicles causing acne. Sebum (acne hormone) is a thick mixture of oil and skin cells.With reference to the over-production of hormones, it is easier to explain why steroid use has been associated acne connection. 

 If a person steroids injected into her body, it triggers the same hormonal effect as early adolescence.Their nutrition and food consumedThe food of people, especially in this day and age can consume many health risks. Unhealthy food was the cause of heart disease, diabetes, obesity and even poor health of the skin aging effects such as acne and skin tissue disease early. Since this issue is related to acne, I like to continue the effects of food on the acne. If you suffer from acne, try to avoid these 3 types of food.High Fat Dairy ProductsSome of the dairy products that we consume a high amount of fat that can spike blood sugar causes your body to release hormones to levels of blood sugar. You should be especially careful, because some of the fatty milk of pregnant cows, which are already high hormone levels.  

Once you consume dairy products, you will cause a slight increase in your levels. The main goal is to avoid a spike in hormone levels, because this is what triggers your glands produce androgen to an increase in sebum production in your blood what.It is recommended that if you are going to have to consume milk as fat or skim milk to consume.Refined carbohydratesThese foods can be categorized as refined grains and refined sugar, spike blood sugar levels. Much of these carbohydrates are also manufactured by machines, to give them a finer texture and durability. This is ideal for suppliers for a profit, but really bad for the consumer, since carbohydrates are processed by machines strip away nutrients from the grain. A major part of the nutrients is stripped vitamins B, C and D, which. Important for the organ function and skin careCaffeineMany of you will be surprised that caffeine in products that are bad for acne suffer lists. The reason I have included caffeine, is because too much can interfere with normal sleep patterns. When you sleep, your body needs this time to cleanse your body of toxins and hormone levels. Lack of sleep is not enough time for your body to restore it to its default settings.Second, too much caffeine cause your adrenal glands to release stress hormones in your body. 

 Stress has been linked to acne, because stress causes a "fight or flight" response, which is usually an increase in hormone production. This is explained below in more detail.Stress and anxietyFor years, stress has been attributed to poor health and severe heart disease. Many people do not really understand the severity of stress, but it is responsible for many adverse health conditions. If you search "stress effect on the human body" in Google, you get a list of more than 100 diseases that include stress caused by acne.Stress increase in any situation hormone levels in the body. The way your body responds to stress is called the "fight or flight" scenario. During a stressful situation or body has two options: to leave first, and run out of the situation and, secondly, to stay and fight, the situation on its head. Both situations require a boost in hormone levels and energy.  

The reaction once in a while is not bad, but the problem occurs when you are suffering from stress everyday.Stress in everyday life means that your body feels the need to keep hormone levels higher than normal, which increases the severity of your acne. It's pretty simple, it means more stress more hormonal activity and acne. It is important to try to avoid stress in your life, and here are two ways that you can be reached:a) Exercise: Very useful and has proven to release endorphins in your blood. Endorphins are reducing your body's natural painkillers and work your body hormone levels naturally. They make you more tolerant of pain. Exercise 2-3 times per week for 20-30 minutes per day.b) to talk to a therapist, because many times your stress can only be resolved by talking to someone about your problems. Many people have to speak any friends and family or the situation is very sensitive to consult a family member. 

 Talking to a therapist gives you privacy and peace of mind.GeneticsMany people believe that genetics has a role in acne severity, and science has shown a trend for family play a role play seen. If your family members have severe acne during acne, suffered as most likely you will suffer the same fate. It is not known exactly how or why, but many researchers believe that some people are just. With overactive glands that produce sebum-born on the skin This causes increased acne. If your parents had this problem, as you may be genetically linked to the same problem.What is the good news? Over the years, many advances in science and medicine may actually be able to change this effect. For example, research has shown that certain foods can control breakouts and acne can relieve stress control screens. Drugs have been developed in recent years, can help. Control your overactive glands to limit the production of sebum

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