How do you cure feline chin acne?

Many cats are not as severe as the the cat in the photo and primarily have just comedomes (blackheads), but I wouldn't use rubbing alcohol if there are open wounds. It has a strong smell and stings

What does chin acne look like?
Feline chin acne is a common skin condition in cats. It can appear at any age, any gender, it may wax and wane, or be stubbornly hard to treat. Signs range from barely noticeable comedomes (blackheads) to severely inflamed and draining pustules. Some cats are not seemingly bothered, and some are very itchy and painful. Local hair loss and redness are also common.

The photo is a severe case of feline chin acne, with draining pustles (pimples). Many cats first present with a "dirty" chin -- small black dots in between the hair follicles. That may be it for some cats. For others, this can progress to swollen, red lumps that may or may not rupture and drain.

What causes chin acne?
The short answer is "unknown cause." There are several possible contributing factors:
  • stress
  • poor grooming
  • bacterial overload (i.e. from dirty food bowls)
  • abnormal sebum (oily substance) production
  • contact sensitivity/dermatitis
  • suppressed immune system
  • concurrent infection or disease
Plastic food bowls were once considered a possible culprit for causing feline acne (allergic or contact sensitivity), but it is now thought that the bacterial levels found on plastic dishes may be the real problem. Using glass, metal or ceramic dishes will help, as will frequent washing of the dishes.

How is chin acne diagnosed?
Many times the diagnosis is by your vet's examination. Your vet will also want to rule out other possibilities, such as mites (demodex), fungal and bacterial infections (primary or secondary), fleas and assess general overall health.

Testing methods include fungal and bacterial cultures, skin scrapings, and possibly a skin biopsy in severe cases.

How is chin acne treated?
Chin acne is usually "managed" rather than cured. Home treatments include gentle washing of the chin once or twice daily with a mild soap, benzoyl peroxide, chlorhexidine or other cleanser recommended by your veterinarian. For pustles, warm water compresses or tea bag compresses will help soothe and heal.

Use metal, glass or ceramic food and water dishes. Wash dishes daily.

For more severe cases, your veterinarian will likely prescribe additional treatments, such as:
  • antibiotics in the form of pills, liquids or a long-lasting injection in the office
  • topical antibiotics (i.e. mupirocin) - caution must be taken to ensure the cat cannot groom it off and ingest it
  • corticosteroid injection or tablets to calm inflammation
  • prescription-strength shampoo or wash
Additionally, all concurrent infections must also be addressed and treated according to what is found on examination.

I think my cat has chin acne
If you suspect that your cat has chin acne, see your veterinarian at the first signs noted. This will reduce or prevent secondary infections and make treatment easier. It will also reduce any trauma-related infections from the cat scratching at the chin for the itchy and painful cases.

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