Acne During Pregnancy - What, Why and How?

As acne responds during pregnancy?Acne during pregnancy may react in different ways, although, in most cases, the effect of estrogen hormones released during pregnancy, produce a positive effect. You can reduce the acne activity, reducing the amount and severity of acne flare-ups.However, if the pregnancy can lead to a flare-up attention and active therapy tries to eliminate the threat of scarring. In some cases there is a flare up of acne requiring active treatment, especially if scarring is a threat. Sometimes acne first appears during pregnancy, even if the person has never suffered in the past. There are also reports of first pregnancies only to suffer acne during pregnancy, with her skin disappear after the child was born. 

What is the cause of acne flare-ups for pregnant women?Many hormonal changes occur during pregnancy, and this affects the structure of the skin, sometimes. To the development of acne When this happens, the acne has been shown to be in the worst case, during the first trimester, as this is the time when the level of progesterone is highest. For many women experience acne during pregnancy, the first trimester is worse when the hormone progesterone are high.
The level of androgen, progesterone, and pregnant women skin's sebaceous glands.Hormonal activity peaked during pregnancy with an increase in the level of androgen and progesterone in women. This increases the skin's sebaceous glands activity and results in the potential acne.Mask of pregnancy What is it?The mask of pregnancy refers to a brownish pigmented area form on the skin of the woman to her. Across the cheeks, nose and eyes during pregnancy This pigment can change as a synthetic red "mask" appear.  

The collectively as an "artificial, reddish layer of mask" over his face. But in reality it is nothing more than the pregnancy-related flare up of acne. This occurs due to the rapid large hormonal activity during pregnancy and is a form of pregnancy-related acne.Many times, acne pregnancy goes away on its own.Pregnancy-related acne normally disappears pregnancy develops, believes that achieved by increasing the levels of estrogen according to the second or third trimester. In fact, the woman's skin begins to look and feel better than it did during the pre-pregnancy stage. Your skin starts to look better than it in a long time.

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