A Holistic Perspective on Teenage Acne

The teenage years are a time of self-knowledge and discovery. We did not also begin not only more aware of the changes in ourselves, but to measure ourselves against our competitors. We are more aware of our clothing, appearance, weight, do not forget to meet the intense pressure on the notes to society shape our ambitions and future. 

All this anxiety is perfect breeding ground for acne vulgaris or pimples, as we usually call it. You can ask at this point, acne is not a result of overactive glands, structure of bacteria and dead skin? Yes. But this is only one side of the story. 

We must appreciate the fact that all physical problems stem from an underlying emotional or mental disorders. Once the conflict is resolved on these finer levels, the physical problem is automatically melt away. This aspect of the disease is very well explained in the science of metaphysics.

In this sense, the acne is actually a physical manifestation of "self-dislike" or the inability to accept ourselves as we are. This feeling is a perfect base for the development of acne, which is literally a "breakout" (self-deprecation) on the skin. 

I suffered from severe acne during puberty. Until I changed my perception of myself, my skin did not clear. 

It is very likely that a teenager with severe acne is with self-cleaning disapproval, the most common reasons for this are dealing classes or relations. How to I get in all subjects, I'm not good enough. Until I have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, I'm not good enough. Until I lose all this weight, I'm not good enough. These are some of the common thinking patterns seen in adolescents with skin problems. 

There are some excellent tissue salts and Bach flower remedies, which not only contribute effectively in the treatment of acne, but also to a positive change in the way we bring ourselves. In this way, the mental and emotional patterns that precede the physical manifestation to be healed. 

One of the most common flower remedies for skin rashes Crabapple. It helps in cleansing and detoxification, but more importantly, deals with the mental model of self-hatred. Persons who would usually have-conscious about their appearance and complexion, want to get rid of what is not desirable in their view regarding this agent. 

In combination with Crabapple, who works more on the emotional side, Biochemic tissue salts such as calcium Sulph 6x, 6x sodium and sodium Mur Sulph 6x to clarify the skin....

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