Acne is pervasive among youth and adults in America. The
big problem is not acne itself Western medicine is excellent when it
comes to fixing the injury, but usually only see the tip of the iceberg
when it comes to diseases, and has the tendency to the symptom and not
the attack cause can often be a big problem grow out of sight and out of mind, until it's too late.
the surplus of processed, unnatural foods we eat that is low in
nutrition, very harmful and even prevent our body absorbs what little
nutrients we get, it's no surprise that we are unhealthy, obese and acne
are ridden. Pimply
face skin is our body's way of telling us it needs help, and is a sign
of long-term damage that can happen from the inside. Some misunderstandings ubiquitous that we are taught by the pharmaceutical companies and popular beliefs:
"Acne is genetic!" This is misleading! It's not the skin symptoms are necessarily genetic, it is the nature and severity of the reaction of our body, the toxic stuff we eat is genetically determined. There is nothing wrong with your genes, they are just doing their job.
"It is caused by stress." While stress causes many health problems, and teens and adults alike have much of it at times, it is not a cause of acne.
"Acne can be solved by regular washing, facial scrubs and / or prescription treatments." How convenient! You can buy a product that will temporarily remove these pimply, inflamed bumps on your face, which brings a whole host of side effects, such as dry, peeling, painful red skin. Some pharmaceutical treatments designed to "fix" the problem have a nasty side effect: depression.
"There is no cure." It's a bit of truth in this, but it is again misleading. Pimples are not the disease itself but rather a symptom of an underlying cause everywhere: Poor nutrition, hormonal imbalance caused by inability to absorb vitamins and toxic accumulation, and / or possible food allergy. The surface symptoms are "cured", but the underlying problem can be ignored.
Given all these important questions about such a potentially disfiguring skin disease such as acne, with the countless unhelpful, misleading snake-oil-type solutions are being offered first and well combined from pharmaceutical companies only there for our money being Second, it is hard to know where to turn to find a solution that really works. Fortunately for us, there are just so many free natural solutions out there on the web, and some great paid that work for those who get a little help out of this rut and into a new life with clear skin need.
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