Acne affects children and young people during their teenage years and puberty, but it can also affect those who are over 40. Treatment options for those who are over 40, are different because the cause is different. Age does not really matter when choosing strategies for the treatment or prevention of this condition continues to spread. A gentle approach is needed for adults, because the skin is more susceptible to harsh treatments as we age.
What is acne?Acne is best described as a severe skin disease that occurs frequently, defined on the facial area. It occurs when the pores of the skin become clogged with oil and dead cells. This condition can come in many different forms. Sometimes it's just little pimples that appear on the face during puberty, others have more severe cases in which the entire facial area and also the back can be covered with rashes. These can be called in large lesions cysts that can form to scarring later.
Why people over 40 have acneIt is generally believed that young people who are single, which leads to clogged pores an oily complexion, but that's not true. Acne in people over 40, especially women, occurs is usually linked to hormonal changes. Some women believe that acne is something to outgrow, but that information is incorrect. After a woman reaches 40, the hormonal changes they experience similar to what they had when they started their menstrual cycle. Women before menopause can produce all kinds of hormonal disorders and when the cycle is unpredictable, it can trigger outbreaks of acne, or make an existing case worse.
Treatment for acne for people over 40Due to the changes in the skin as the body matures, we need a different approach when it comes to acne in those over 40 years. There are not many treatment options available for those over 40, there. Youth However, the state must be raised as rapidly as possible to prevent further complications.
In general, only water and soap will not cure a case of acne. And you certainly should not scrub the face. Women may be able to avoid to help with make-up, the pores from getting blocked. Some use of cleaning agents can be used to minimize the occurrence of pimples. Many cleaners also contain important nutrients that are beneficial to skin health. Try cleanser that the skin instead of purchasing it tend to dry out moisture. And remember, keep your hands off your face as much as possible, especially shortly after it was cleaned.
Anti-aging creams, masks and benzoyl peroxide can all useful treatment options. However, the most efficient and productive way to treat acne and possibly avoid them altogether to consume a healthy diet. This will help to ensure that the skin remains healthy and beautiful.
Acne vulgaris can occur at any age. But acne over 40 is mainly caused by hormonal changes and there are some treatments available.
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