Acne is one of the many skin diseases to afflict human existence. It is commonly experienced by pre-puberty and adolescent boys and girls, although it may persist throughout life. This
condition is. Caused by the accumulation of blackheads on the skin,
which eventually develops into pustules (pimples) and nodules It is brought about by constipation and inflammation of the sweat glands. It can be painful when the inflammatory process begins. If carelessly handled, they can scar and reoccur. Well, there are many medical and pharmaceutical methods on how to get rid of acne. But the best and most recommended always been natural, which are further discussed in this post.
1 Honey - Honey is known for its healing and anti-bacterial properties. So it would be more than appropriate to break out this sweet substance during a acne, and since it is free from chemical ingredients that you do not have to apply through the delicate skin irritation concerns. All you have to do is wash your face first with warm water and soap, dry it with a clean cloth, cover your face with honey and let it settle like a mask, and then remove it.
2 Tea Tree Oil - This essential oil, the main component of the terpinen-4-ol, has an antibacterial effect, which makes it effective for getting rid of pimples. If you buy this product, you can simply apply it to the affected area as a cream and leave it there overnight to fight the infection.
3 Oatmeal - Another great natural approach on how to get rid of pimples overnight is to use oatmeal on your face. This naturally soothing ingredient acts as an exfoliant, and it will help your skin rejuvenate itself. This can with honey, lemon or baking soda, as desired, so that they will remain mixed. All you need to do is rub it on your face and then create a mask that you should leave for 30 minutes.
4 Turmeric powder - This method, as they are very popular in India to get rid of acne. In fact, they use brides before their wedding day to ensure that they do not experience breakouts the next morning. Turmeric contains curcumin, a powerful antioxidant with anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can get rid helps bacteria in the sebaceous glands. To get its full effect, you have to put only a dab of this spice on the affected area and leave it overnight.
5 Lemon juice - Like most of the aforementioned natural acne treatments, lemon contains antibacterial factors that alleviate the inflammation and help remove pimples. But on top of that it also helps the citric acid helps in exfoliating the skin, making it look whiter and more updates.
All of these can be done with little to no cost. You can actually find most of these ingredients in the comfort of your own home, in the kitchen, and since they are all organic, it is absolutely safe for you to use it every day. The best part is that you can how to get rid of to guarantee faster results, pimples because of their innate characteristics....
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