Holism: the missing perspective of the healing of acne for good

For most of us who have ever had (and probably still suffer) from the poor, the acne is, we are also close to the psychological distress and despair that comes with it. It can be extremely painful, to say the least. And in our desperate need to escape this pain, that those of us who have lived with the burden for a while probably each treatment option that is trying us at most times of people and companies who have an interest only "manage" the problem, instead of it. healing for good 

It should be no surprise, then, that over and over again, we have so many medications and vitamins and creams and diets that promise to try to take care of the problem, only to find they were just that: promises that were never should be kept! Take the drug, for example, a large part of their market is people who have bought into the idea that if one is simply the right medication or topical lotion, and use it with just repeat often enough, then somehow their acne away!

This is certainly good for the manufacturers and the industry that carries them, but what about the consumer and the promise that is never really materialize? 

There is something missing in the way that suffer most acne treatment approach to their acne, they get into trouble and disappointed over and over again. 

As it turns out, most of us tend to focus only on tiny fragments of a larger puzzle! For example, while there is a strong correlation between diet and acne, on what goes into your stomach alone will not be enough to cure your acne. The dietary approach - as it is with a focus on creams or drugs or therapy alone - is just a small part of a larger whole approach is actually required to cure acne permanently. 

What is missing for an overwhelming majority of sufferers, is a holistic approach to treatment: the prospects (and practice) that all natural systems, including the human body, should be considered as a whole - not just as a collection of parts. Acne is a much deeper problem than just the pimples or blackheads that appear on your face. These are just the symptoms. And so, as to what type of cleanser you use on your face or what cream you might apply thereafter in some cases, manage to slow down the symptoms, it is only with a holistic approach to treating acne that can actually be cured .

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