Best Acne Face Washes – Our Top 10

Problematic skin type leads to different kinds of breakouts like acne, blackheads, blemishes etc. I too have an oily complexion which is acne-prone and sensitive. Skin problems never end but you can definitely keep them away as much as possible by using the right kind of products.

Here, I’m listing the best face wash for acne prone skin that help in reducing acne and other breakouts to a great extent. Hope you would find this information useful.

Best Acne Face Wash Products
1. Himalaya Clarina Anti Acne Face Wash Gel:

It is a cleanser with all-natural ingredients and is very gentle on the skin. It also contains salicylic acid which fights acne and makes your skin acne-free. It keeps the oil away from the face without drying it. I think it’s a “must try” product for acne-prone skin. Actually i will also go out on a limb here are say that in my opinion this is the best face wash for acne.

2. Ayur Tea Tree Face Wash:

Ayur is one such brand that we all must have used at some point of time. And this is one of my favorite face washes from Ayur. It has tea tree oil which heals acne, pimples and blemishes. Contains SLES but then there are rarely any cosmetic brands that don’t. It cleanses away all traces of dirt and oil from the skin and makes it soft and smooth. It comes at an affordable price too.

3. The Body Shop Seaweed Deep Cleansing Facial Wash:

It is a soap-free face wash that keeps oil away from the skin for 5-6 hours and keeps it squeaky clean. It is not tested on animals. Ideal for people with oily and combination skin, this face wash helps in preventing acne and other break outs. It contains seaweed vitamins and minerals which are considered to be good for the skin.

4. Clean & Clear Acne Clearing Cleanser:

Clean & Clear always comes up with amazing products and this one is not ordinary either. It cleans the skin and controls oil secretion to a great extent. It gives a cooling sensation after every wash and is ideal for summers. It controls severe acne breakouts since it contains salicylic acid which is the biggest plus point. The price is good for the quantity provided.

5. Neutrogena Deep Clean Facial Cleanser:

This face wash for acne comes in a transparent bottle and at an affordable price too. It controls excessive oil secretion on the face and keeps it oil-free for 3-4 hours, which according to me is really good. It is dermatologist-tested, so don’t worry about breakouts or rashes. It is certainly a good face wash that helps in preventing acne, blackheads and other skin problems.

6. Neutrogena Oil Free Acne Wash:

Amongst all, this is my personal favourite. It contains salicylic acid which helps in preventing acne and fights other breakouts too. It keeps the skin super clean and also removes mild makeup from the face. It does what it claims to do and I personally recommend it to everyone.

7. Kaya Skin Clinic Acne Free Purifying Cleanser:

Kaya is a well-known brand and they launched this face wash last year I guess. It cleans all the dirt, makeup and oil from the face thoroughly. It also contains salicylic acid which reduces acne to a great extent. I have seen many girls swearing by this face wash. I think people with “problematic skin” should definitely give it a try.

8. Cetaphil Daily Facial Cleanser:

This face wash makes the skin oil-free and radiant. It is suitable for all types of skin and helps in preventing acne. The price is affordable and the quantity is amazing. It cleanses the face thoroughly and you will not experience any break outs after using this.

9. L’Oreal Go 360 Clean Anti-Breakout Facial Cleanser:

This face wash comes with a scrublet and it looks really cute. It cleanses the face thoroughly, making the skin oil-free and healthy. It prevents breakouts and acne, and also reduces them to a great extent. It contains 2% salicylic acid which deals with your skin problems. I think it’s a must try at such an affordable price.

10. Garnier Pure Active Neem Face Wash:

Everyone who has oily and acne-prone skin should give this one a try. It thoroughly cleanses the skin and makes it completely oil-free. The face wash contains salicylic acid and tea tree oil which help in preventing acne and other breakouts as well.

Thank you for coming in Acne Treatment Reviews and read the article about Best Acne Face Washes – Our Top 10, help us to Shared this article. hopefully useful to us all.

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